
This post is to serve as an apology to my readers, and as a notice of hiatus for the month of November.  I am participating in NaNoWriMo 2015, which is a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, and I am attending the Write to Market conference by Algonkian Writer Conferences in Corte Madera.


I will, of course, be writing about my experiences with both, but for now I need to focus on getting my NaNoWriMo word count in each day, and completing my pre-event homework for WTM. Not to mention leading my daughter’s Girl Scout Troop, hosting Thanksgiving, and preparing both daughters for The Nutcracker the first weekend in December.

Oh, and if you want to sponsor me for NaNoWriMo, here’s my link… I would appreciate any support you can give me!

Hopefully I won’t drown. Fingers crossed. 😉 I’ll catch you all on the flip side!
