Author Missy Kirtley

Two things scheduled for the same day

The Hunger Games film is scheduled to be released on March 23rd, 2012. That’s the same day that I have my c-section scheduled for my second daughter’s birth. I was looking forward to going to see it in the theaters, but the timing is pretty bad. Abdominal surgery on that day, and recovery time… along with carting around a newborn? Probably won’t get to see it until Netflix. But it gives me a wonderful countdown calendar until Baby#2 arrives. 🙂

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Intimidated by Research Necessary for Future WIP

My current WIP is the second novel in a series that I created to write my NaNoWriMo 2011 project. It’s set in modern day, but in a hidden, fantasy world shadowed by our own. One of the characters that I’ve been playing with is mentioned a few times in the first novel, comes up a handful of times in the second, and will be the star of the third–though the third novel is going to be a prequel to the…

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In which I babble about life goals

I’m turning 30 this year. In just a few months, actually. I’m almost there. I know there were things that I wanted to do with my life, and things that I wanted to achieve… and for the most part I consider myself to be relatively successful in reaching my goals. Of course, it took a village, but I like to feel that I’ve had a big part in these accomplishments. I’ve learned a great deal from all of them. When…

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