Oh my goodness, how much did I love Incredibles 2?? My girls had already seen it with my mother, but I didn’t get to go with them.  They absolutely loved the movie and kept wanting to talk to me about it.  I told them “No Spoilers!”  And I’m glad I did!  I took them for their second viewing (my first viewing) today, and it was … well, incredible. 😉 #sorrynotsorry

“Auntie Edna” was probably my favorite part. And Jack-Jack is absolutely wonderful. I love him so very much. The bits with the raccoon made me Laugh Out Loud. Face With Tears of Joy on Twitter   My girls wanted to stop in the lobby and take about a hundred pictures with the giant, Incredibles 2 display they had there.  (Both before and after our viewing of the film.)

I only wish that my husband had been able to see it, too–I think he would have enjoyed the parts about Mr. Incredible being a stay-at-home dad.  I’ve gone back to working outside the home, so this film hit fairly close to… home.  (Jeez, I keep doing this to you.  #sorrynotsorry again!)

I watched this movie with my heart thundering because I kept noticing the conversations between named, women characters, that weren’t about men.  Was anyone else impressed with how well this film passed the Bechdel Test?  I knew I’d love it from the previews and what I’d heard about it… but I’m absolutely thrilled that there are movies out nowadays that feature strong, women characters who aren’t simply there to further the plots of the men.

Disclaimer: (…and a little bit of name dropping)… one of my best friends (and real-life heroes!!) was script supervisor on this film.  I took a picture of her name in the credits (I know I wasn’t supposed to, but oh man I am so proud!) and texted her right when I saw it.  She’s probably one of my favorite people in the whole world, and I wish I could see her more often.  I want to support everything she does–she’s amazing!

Anyway, definitely go see this movie.  And after you’ve seen it, drop me a comment and let me know what you thought. 🙂  I’d love to chat about it!
